Tag Archives: bm

Gingerbread Cookie- Day 3

18 Dec

Happy Monday to you! I hope this week before Christmas is off to a good start. I know I am tired and pooped… which is the reason why Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas series is 3 days late! lol. Sorry! But I really did enjoy wearing this one. Here it goes:

I started with 3 coats of my new franken. I made this a few minutes before starting on my mani. I really liked the outcome. Anywho, 3 coats of this and SV. I then used plate BM-222 and stamped with China Glaze’s “Mahogony Magic” (Hunger Games collection). I stamped both ring fingers and thumbs and topped with another coat of Seche Vite! It was fun while it lasted. 🙂




Deck the Halls- Day 1

9 Dec

Happy Saturday to you all! I know you’ve all seen the very pretty Christmas manicures out there. I know I’ve been very inspired and challenged to do my own 12 Days of Christmas themed manicures. So, here we go! This is Day 1: Deck the Halls.

I started with 2 coats of Ulta’s “Snow White” and topped it with one coat of Seche Vite to let dry. I then used plate BM-219- which is an all tips stamp plate- with China Glaze’s “Argo” (Hunger Games collection) and stamped one direction on my left hand and had to flip it- since BM doesn’t offer mirrored stamp images- on my right hand. I really liked the combo together. I then used Orly’s “Star Spangled” for accenting the bits of holly berries and added one small red rhinestone to each nail for one blingy holly berry. 🙂 I am pleased with this manicure and I hope it lasts! Happy painting! I love seeing the Christmas manis!




Star Spangled

Star Spangled



Black Tip attempt

29 Nov

Happy Wednesday and happy painting! Today’s post is one I did not want to feature. I’ve been wanting to attempt a black tip mani for a while now- amongst all the other “want to try” things. So I finally did it. Let me say, as I’ve always said, I am not a taper! I can never get my tape to lay flat and even- maybe my nails are just anti-tape? So they’re no where near what I wanted or was trying to get. Sorry! But, trial and error, and then I can say “no more”. 🙂

I started with one coat of China Glaze’s “Fast Track” (Hunger Games collection). This polish goes on thick so one coat was all I wanted-otherwise it would have been too… creamy? I topped that with SV. I then stamped my ring fingers with plate BM-225. I love this stamp and my ring fingers are my favorite in this mani. If that makes sense?

I then taped off my tips. I used Sinful Colors “Black on Black” and had a few touch ups to do and then moments when I just wanted to rub it all off. But I stuck with it. From far away it’s not too bad but the up close- that’s when you’re like, “Yeah. She’s not a taper.” LOL! But, either way! Here is my black tip mani!


Leap Flog

28 Sep

Happy Friday! I am thankful to say that I am off today. Woo Hoo! So, last night I took off my polish and tried a new color. This is Sinful Colors’ “Leap Flog”. I have to say that I really liked this color on my skin. It’s really hard for me to get colors that compliment my skin tone rather than make it look darker or really make the red undertones come up. That’s no fun. But this color does me good.

As I said on Monday, my nail broke and once one of them breaks, I have to file them all down so they grow evenly. I hate uneven nails. I just can’t do it. So, they are super short. But, short nails can be cute too… if I didn’t have such a bad habit of picking at the sides of my nails. I have been moisturizing like crazy but with my naturally super dry skin (I have eczema) it’s hard. But I love to paint so oh well. So, please forgive any icks and ews you may see here. 🙂

I did 2 coats and then let dry. I then used stamp plate BM-204. I’ve never used this image before and thought since Fall just rolled around, I’d use it, even though I didn’t use “fall” colors. My stamping colors were Wet’N’Wild’s “Metallica” and Sinful Colors’ “Black on Black”. I first did a stroke of Metallica and right below that, a stroke of Black on Black. I scraped once and a few more times to blend the colors. I really like the outcome of this! I will be doing more duo-color stamping. Yay! I hope you like it! thank you for stopping by for another posting of Lacquer Addictions! I’m so happy you’re here!

with flash

with flash

no flash

no flash

no flash



4 Sep

Happy Tuesday to you, Lacquer Lovers! 🙂 It’s been a great weekend here, for me and the hubby. Labor Day was a nice laid back kind of day and we are thankful for the day off. Today’s mani is inspired by one I’ve often seen on Pinterest. You can click here to view the photo I was inspired by. I just didn’t have the right glitter (can you believe it?!) to add that accent. I plan on getting one soon.

I started with base coat and then with China Glaze’s “Rose Among the Thorns (Neon)”, I did a few coats on each nail. This color takes about 3 coats to be opaque. It’s still a bit translucent on a few of them. So it takes some patience. 🙂 I coated my ring fingers with Ulta’s “Snow White” and topped them all with SV. I then used Sinful Colors’ “Black on Black” and plate BM-201 and stamped my ring fingers. I really liked the outcome. Very retro.

no flash

no flash

no flash

Sorry about the long-in-between posts periods. I may have to officially do a “once  a  week” type thing. We’ll see. But, thank you for stopping by. I hope you try this lovely chevron mani and I hope you have the glitter! 😉 God Bless and have a great week! ❤ Sara